Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It Was A Stormy Monday
We had a lot of rain and a lot of hail. The thunder and lightning were wicked, but once they stopped everything was calm. I'd prefer just a gentle rain as opposed to a wicked storm. I found this quote today and I thought it was appropriate (but not in thunderstorms).

Sunday, June 28, 2009
You are beautiful.
You are incredible.
You are good enough.
You can do amazing things.
You are fabulous.
You deserve the best in life.
You are loved.
Pass it on :)
Friday, June 26, 2009
20 Favourites
Joanne posted this on her blog and I thought I'd have some fun playing along. I enjoy these types of things and enjoy reading the answers people give. So here goes.
My 20 favourites are:
1. Colour - purple
2. Dessert - trifle
3. Smell - fresh baked bread or cookies
4. Flower - Heather, roses and lilacs
5. Animal - hedgehogs and owls
6. Month - October
7. Beverage - water
8. Pair of shoes - sandals (but I'd rather be barefoot)
9. Snack - M&Ms
10. Song - Deep In Love With You by Michael W. Smith and I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me
11. Place - with my family
12. Fruit - strawberries or pineapple
13. Hairstyle - loose curls
14. Piece of clothing - pjs
15. Store to clothes shop - Cotton Ginny
16. Season - Spring
17. Hobby - scrapbooking
18. Things to collect - anything Winnie The Pooh (especially Eeyore)
19. Movie - What Dreams May Come
20. Restaurant - Mexicali Rosas
Now it is your turn. If you decide to play along, please leave me a comment so that I may read your answers. Enjoy!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Farrah Fawcett

I have great respect for the courage that Farrah Fawcett demonstrated during her three year battle with cancer and the dignity with which she fought that horrific disease. It is a very sad day that someone so courageous and still so young left our world. Perhaps her greatest gift to this world is the awareness she brought to this form of cancer and the lives she will hopefully have helped to save because she went public with her battle.
My deepest sympathies go out to Farrah's family and friends, especially the love of her life Ryan and their son Redmond.
While this is a sad day because the world lost a very special lady, it is a good day because Heaven gained another angel. Her pain and suffering is over. She is now free. And I know that our Lord welcomed his newest angel home with open and loving arms.
Rest in peace Farrah. You've earned your wings.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Iceberg Radio
Do you like to listen to music while you are on the computer or working in your home office? I discovered, through a friend (thanks Marissa!!!!) a really cool site.
It's called Iceberg Radio and can be found here. There's something there for everyone.
Feel like some 80's? There are several choices. Folk? Yup, it's there. Christian? Broadway? There's even Bluegrass for people like my hubby :) There are a lot of categories --- you just have to go check them out.
Right now I'm listening to "A Flock of Eighties" -- a little Mr. Roboto by Styx.
Oh, if you don't like the song choice they give you all you have to do is click on the skip option and it will take you to the next CD.
Have fun!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today I am bringing you a quote to think about. It is by the honourable Sir Winston Churchill.
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Great words from a great man.
And with that I encourage you to go get a life :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Any man can be a father, but it takes a someone special to be called Daddy. I have been especially blessed. Not only did I grow up with the best Daddy in the whole wide world, my children have the best possible Daddy in the whole wide world as well. While my Daddy is watching over us from Heaven, I know he whole heartedly approves of the wonderful man I married and who is Daddy to my precious children.
I love you Gary, for the wonderful Daddy, husband and person that you are.
Daddy, I love you and I miss you deeply.

Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Daddy's out there!!!!!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hello World!!!!
I've had a blog that is basically devoted to my scrapbooking for awhile now, but I decided that I would like to have one that is simply about anything and everything -- as long as it is something good. We can all use those little feel good reminders and pick me ups once in a while. My goal with this blog is to offer something positive, something fun, something that makes the reader feel good each day.

Tonight we watched a fun, feel good movie on DVD. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it. I wasn't sure about it when I first saw the trailers, but I'm glad we rented it and watched it. The
movie I'm referring to is Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

I don't think I've ever seen that many Chihuahuas at one time!!!!! I really enjoyed it, from beginning to end. It definitely fits the category of feel good movie for this viewer. If you like dogs and haven't seen it yet, I would highly recommend it.
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